Etenders Adverts

Thank you for your interest in advertising on ETENDERS.COM.NG

You can place your advert on ETENDERS to reach our business/professional audience that visits our site in search of opportunities

To place ads on ETENDERS, you are required to design a decent banner measuring about 315 pixels wide, 150 pixels tall, in PNG or JPG format, and file size not more than 40kb.

Thereafter, go to  Submit Banner Ad. and upload your banner ad file, make payment, and allow a maximum of 24 hours for approval; once approved, your ad will go live on our tender details sidebar page for the period paid for.

Advertising Rates
Weekly Option: NGN20,000
Monthly Option: NGN50,000

Our Stats
Daily Visitors: Approx. 20,000(+)
Daily Page Views: 240,000

Ready to start?  Submit Banner Ad.

We look forward to welcoming you as our customer

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